Mental Well-Being

Move Past Stigma to Understanding: September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day

August 20, 2021

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day, a collaboration between the World Health Organization, the World Federation for Mental Health, and the International Association for Suicide Prevention to raise suicide prevention awareness worldwide.

Where we stand 

Over one in 100 deaths—about 1.4%—is a suicide; this number is higher for specific ages, countries, and within groups experiencing targeted discrimination. It is ranked as the 11th leading cause of death in the United States and men are more likely than women to take their own lives.

Still, everyone can help prevent suicide.

Risk factors and warning signs

Know what increases the risk of suicide.

A commonly believed myth is that suicides occur suddenly, without warning. In truth, there are usually one or more warning signs.

Lose the stigma

Support survivors as well as those who’ve lost someone to suicide by talking about it with empathy and honesty. When a person ends their own life, societal norms of not mentioning that fact doesn’t preserve their memory, it only furthers the stigma. 

While suicide is not illegal in the United States and other Western countries, it is still illegal in 25 countries and an additional 10 countries criminalize attempted suicide, meaning that attempt survivors can be jailed rather than given tools to help them. 

Talk about it

It’s also a myth that talking about suicide with those at risk encourages it. Stacy Freedenthal, author of Helping the Suicidal Person says, “Avoiding the topic doesn’t make it go away; it drives it underground, where a suicidal person may feel even more alone in the darkness.”

The question “Are you thinking of hurting yourself?” can lead to misunderstanding: Some people view suicide as a solution to stop hurting and others want to hurt themselves with no intention of taking their own lives. Directly ask, “Are you thinking about killing yourself?” to start a real conversation. Ask questions that encourage them to tell you more, and don’t be afraid to assess their right-now risk regarding plan and timeline. The Hancock Connection Center offers a quarterly QPR training to give community members the tools to approach those in crisis.

Show you care

More important than what you say to a suicidal person is how to listen to them. Listen, don’t fix. Validate their feelings and experiences instead of minimizing or discounting them. 

Genuinely pay attention to people you cross paths with. A small act of kindness or a friendly word can make the difference to a stranger. 

Immediate help

If you or someone you care about is in crisis, call Indiana’s Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. The organization’s website has indispensable resources, including how to find a therapist, ways to build a support network, steps to make a safety plan, and stories of hope and recovery from all walks of life.