
Center for Wound Healing earns Awards

April 28, 2017
Hancock Regional Hospital celebrates the Center of Distinction Award and the Center of Excellence Award given to The Center for Wound Healing by Healogics, the nation’s largest provider of advanced wound care services. The Center achieved outstanding clinical outcomes for twelve consecutive months, including patient satisfaction higher than 92 percent, and a minimum wound healing rate of at least 91 percent within 30 median days to heal. For the Center of Excellence Award more than 334 centers were eligible for the award, but only 169 achieved the honor.

“We are proud to be recognized as one of the top wound care centers in the nation and congratulate our physicians, nurses and clinicians who’ve been identified as experts in wound care and hyperbaric medicine,” said Stacie Sarber, MBA, Hancock Regional Hospital’s Center for Wound Healing Program Director.

The Center for Wound Healing is a member of the Healogics network of nearly 800 centers, and provides access to benchmarking data and proven experience treating approximately 2.5 million chronic wounds. The Center for Wound Healing offers highly specialized wound care to patients suffering from non-healing diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, infections and other chronic wounds. Advanced treatments include negative pressure wound therapy, bio-engineered skin substitutes, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO,) biological and biosynthetic dressings and growth factor therapies.

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Wir machen Gesundheit möglich

Da die Bevölkerung in Ost-Zentral-Indiana wächst, stellen wir die Gesundheitsversorgung dort bereit, wo die Menschen sie am meisten benötigen. Neben dem Hancock Regional Hospital, das laut Lown Hospital Index als eines der sichersten des Landes gilt, umfasst unser Netzwerk mehr als 30 weitere Standorte in der Nähe Ihres Zuhauses oder Arbeitsplatzes.

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