
Coronasmarts: Brainy Entertainment for Kids of All Ages

9. April 2020
With so much time to fill, it’s extra tough to keep kids occupied in ways that don’t make you fear their brains are turning to mush (even if yours kinda feels that way, too). You can find scads of lists these days of free educational resources online, and here are a few highlights to get you started.

PBS Kids

What could be more comforting right now than the warm, familiar little paw of Daniel Tiger from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, leading your littlest learners through a range of resources? It’s the best of smart, sweet education.

Crash Course

A YouTube channel brought to you by John Green and Hank Green, Crash Course brings sneaky smarts to high school and college-aged students through videos and animations on . . . just about any topic you might want to learn.

Google Arts & Culture

Tour the world’s museums even while they’re locked up tight. Through one central hub, you can access art, history, and science all over the globe.


Free in the wake of the coronavirus shutdown, Century is a neuroscience-backed educational method for guiding students of all ages through core topics.

Adventure Academy

Games and videos to help young learners with math, science, social studies, and reading, Adventure Academy also enables students to connect and collaborate so that they still get a sense of community.

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Wir machen Gesundheit möglich

Da die Bevölkerung in Ost-Zentral-Indiana wächst, stellen wir die Gesundheitsversorgung dort bereit, wo die Menschen sie am meisten benötigen. Neben dem Hancock Regional Hospital, das laut Lown Hospital Index als eines der sichersten des Landes gilt, umfasst unser Netzwerk mehr als 30 weitere Standorte in der Nähe Ihres Zuhauses oder Arbeitsplatzes.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Hancock