
Coronavirus Update: April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020
I am hopeful you had a restful Easter weekend and are refreshed and ready to tackle our strange times again!

As we move into the new week there are a mix of bright, and dark, spots appearing in the data. On the positive side, a very large drop in the number of new COVID-19 cases in Indiana was recorded yesterday, with a more modest drop in Central Indiana – this is very good news!  Unfortunately, at the global level, total cases are on the verge of exceeding the 2 million with nearly 600,000 of those being in the U.S.  Over the weekend, the U.S. surpassed Italy in the total number of COVID-related deaths.

To help put all this in perspective, this weekend we recorded a video that provides insights into the current trends in the data and what this will mean for society moving forward in a “New Normal”.  We will attach the link to that video to the update for tomorrow night.

All the Best,

Coronavirus Update: April 10, 2020Stay Safe, Boomer: Keeping Up with the Seniors in Your Life During COVID-19

Wir machen Gesundheit möglich

Da die Bevölkerung in Ost-Zentral-Indiana wächst, stellen wir die Gesundheitsversorgung dort bereit, wo die Menschen sie am meisten benötigen. Neben dem Hancock Regional Hospital, das laut Lown Hospital Index als eines der sichersten des Landes gilt, umfasst unser Netzwerk mehr als 30 weitere Standorte in der Nähe Ihres Zuhauses oder Arbeitsplatzes.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Hancock