
Coronavirus Update: April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020
As I craft this update, the world has reached 1.5 million people with COVID-19 and more than 420,000 in the U.S.  Of interest, nearly 80% of all cases worldwide are now in the U.S. and Europe.  New York and New Jersey comprise half of the cases in the U.S.  Indiana has 6,000 cases and the central Indiana region comprises just over half that number.  Hancock County will surpass 100 cases today.  The Governor of Indiana today replaced the emergency declaration with a disaster declaration, which may provide additional funding for the many organizations that have invested in COVID-related preparation activities (including, we believe, Hancock Health).

As mentioned yesterday, while the numbers continue to increase, there is also hope in them.  The increase is predictable now and is hovering around 10% per day nationally (6% worldwide) with slight declines in the growth rate every few days. This gives us reason to believe that we will see the overall numbers stabilize in the next few weeks.

As we begin to look into the future, we believe that COVID-19 will be a part of our environment for quite some time (if not permanently).  With this in mind, we are developing plans for re-opening our services when the data, and our governmental officials, give us the green light.  When we do re-open, it will be a different world with different needs and it is likely that much of what we are learning now will provide the foundation for future operations.

We are not out of the woods yet.  We do not expect the peak until late next week.  But please know that we are thinking ahead to ensure our organization remains as strong in the future as we have been during this ongoing crisis.

All the Best,

Got Stay-at-Home Stress? Get Relief.Coronavirus Update: April 9, 2020

Wir machen Gesundheit möglich

Da die Bevölkerung in Ost-Zentral-Indiana wächst, stellen wir die Gesundheitsversorgung dort bereit, wo die Menschen sie am meisten benötigen. Neben dem Hancock Regional Hospital, das laut Lown Hospital Index als eines der sichersten des Landes gilt, umfasst unser Netzwerk mehr als 30 weitere Standorte in der Nähe Ihres Zuhauses oder Arbeitsplatzes.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Hancock