
Meet the Nurse Practitioners of Hancock Pediatrics

September 28, 2020
For September’s physician of the month feature, we’re doing things a little differently. Instead of highlighting a single physician, we’re shifting our focus to the team of nurse practitioners at Hancock-Pädiatrie auf der grünen Wiese.

“The most rewarding moments are when I’m able to make a tangible, positive impact on the health of a child or family,” said Ashley Sevenbergen, certified pediatric nurse practitioner (CPNP). “I love the relationships I’ve built with patients and families over the years. I’ve been privileged to see many kids grow from birth to school-age!”

It’s no surprise that a fondness for kids inspired these nurses to work in pediatrics. “The most rewarding part of my job is that I get to interact with children on a daily basis,” said Erin McMurray, family nurse practitioner. “They bring me great joy, and I just love to hear about their lives and what they’re accomplishing.”

Mindy Closser, CPNP, appreciates the educational part of her work. “The most rewarding part of my job is educating and encouraging parents to raise happy, healthy children,” she said.

All three nurse practitioners emphasized the familial nature of the Hancock Pediatrics team as a defining characteristic that sets their office apart. “Hancock Health is a supportive family that encourages me to grow personally and professionally,” Mindy Closser said. “I work with amazing individuals that truly have the health and wellbeing of our patients and families as a priority.”

Ashely echoed that sentiment. “Hancock Pediatrics is different from other healthcare organizations, because we are a family. We know and care for each other. That makes a big difference to me.”

As far as the future of pediatric care, the team is passionate about advancements in mental health treatment. “I’m excited about any innovation that will improve access to mental health services for children and teenagers,” Ashley said. “At Hancock Pediatrics, we have been taking steps toward integrative behavioral health, in which behavioral health and medical providers work together to care for the whole person.”

Erin agreed, “I’m excited about integrated health care, where a patient comes to the same office and receives physical, mental, and social services. I’m also very hopeful that we will be able to become more integrated in our office and throughout Hancock Health in the future.”

When these nurse practitioners aren’t making health possible at Hancock Pediatrics, all three enjoy getting outside—which includes lots of hiking and exploring trails in parks with their families. Getting outdoors has been a welcome relief from the daily stress of COVID-19.

Are you in search of pediatric care for your kids? Learn more about the ways the nurse practitioners at Hancock Pediatrics make health possible for the children of Hancock County and beyond. You can reach them, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at (317) 467-4500.

Mindy Closer, CPNP

Erin McMurray, FNP-C

Ashley Sevenbergen, CPNP


Hancock Health’s August Office of the Month: Hancock OrthopedicsHancock Physician Network’s September Office of the Month: Hancock Pediatrics

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