Fitness & Ernährung

Wie wächst Ihr Garten?

June 2, 2022

If you did your work this spring, hopefully you are now finding your garden simply bursting with summer flowers! While many gardeners like to find time to relax and enjoy their efforts this time of year, others find it a fun time to get dirty with gardening projects. But with all the Pinterest and DIY ideas floating around, it can be hard to choose just one (or two, or five). That’s why we rounded up some of our favorites for you!

For the green gardener

Want to make your garden extra eco-friendly? There are so many things you can do at low to no cost to care for the very earth from which your garden grows. For instance, a rainwater barrel collects water from your gutters and downspouts to be reused for watering your plant babies, saving both money and natural resources. Specialty barrels can be purchased at many local garden centers, but they are also easy to make yourself!

For the bird lover in you

Don’t let the eco-friendly action stop at making a rain barrel! Use recycled materials to create tin can bird feeders for all your pretty, feathered garden visitors. A bird bath also makes a lovely addition to your garden space and, if done right, can mean an additional water feature that will bring music to your ears.

For the pro

Who doesn’t want to make sure their garden feels extra enjoyable to guests and family? If you have a knack for building, you might want to try this DIY garden swing! Or, take your gardening off the beaten path with this DIY pallet gardening table

For the self-sufficient homesteader

Aching for a garden that helps supplement your grocery shopping this season? Try your green thumb at growing vegetables and even fruits! Raised beds are an easy DIY for an efficient and time-tested way to grow a whole bounty of goodies for your dinner table. Check out Dieses Video for instructions on how to build your own raised garden beds the cheap and easy way.

To get kids in on the game

Kids of all ages can benefit from time spent digging in the dirt. If your kids are begging to help you garden (or even if they aren’t and you want to get them in on the fun), check out these amazingly easy and cost-effective crafts.  

It’s OK to hate pests

No one wants bugs and other wildlife to eat all the gorgeous flowers and veggies you worked so hard to cultivate. Summer is a great time to try out some all-natural bug and pest repellent. Chances are if you make it yourself, it will be free of nasty chemicals that could harm you and your family. If you’re trying to keep out the larger wildlife that shares our community, look no further than this list of DIY ways to keep your garden animal free.

Just for the sake of beauty

Want to add more simple pleasures to your garden? If you’re the artistic type who relishes beautiful garden projects, you’ve come to the right place. After all, gardens should be enjoyed! If you find a fallen log on or around your property, for instance, turn it into a beautiful planter for summer and fall flowers. Or, if you like to repurpose things, use an old fountain to create an eye-catching succulent display. For small doses of beauty tucked into your garden bed, try out these adorable DIY garden balls. Made with many different materials, they are as versatile as it gets! 

No matter how you like to garden, it’s always fun to add little personal touches here and there. You want your garden to be as unique as you are, so dive into these projects this summer and have some fun spicing up your landscape!