
The Lily Pad, 11.14.22

14. November 2022

Monday Motivation

True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.

—John W. Gardner 

Meet Erin McMurray

It’s National Nurse Practitioner week! That means it’s time to show some love to the nurse practitioners around your office. As part of the celebration, Hank is sharing another video all about one of our own nurse practitioners: Erin McMurray. Learn more about her job as a pediatric NP who loves caring for our youngest patients, and what she dreams about doing in retirement. 

Making Health Possible

We’re nearly halfway through November. Either fall is in full swing or winter is right around the corner, depending on if you’re a glass half-full or -empty person. But before the last of the season’s leaves hit the floor, let’s make the most of this beautiful time of year. Check out a few of the links below for fabulous fall ideas, and find even more helpful content for the whole year at

Hungry? Feast on fall vegetables.  

Energy to burn? Fall fitness ideas for the whole family. 

Need to get away? Watch nature show off. 

World Prematurity Day

This Thursday brings the observance of World Prematurity Day. Globally, around 1 in 10 children are born preterm. It’s an issue that many families face. At Hancock Health, we’re proud of the ways we’ve made health possible for our littlest patients this year. The biggest change came in the form of our partnership with Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. To learn more about our enhanced neonatal care and all this partnership represents, revisit our January Health Possible post

Hank’s Dad Joke of the Week

Q: What do you call a fish with a medical degree?

A: A sturgeon.

The Lily Pad, 10.31.22The Lily Pad, 11.21.22

Wir machen Gesundheit möglich

Da die Bevölkerung in Ost-Zentral-Indiana wächst, stellen wir die Gesundheitsversorgung dort bereit, wo die Menschen sie am meisten benötigen. Neben dem Hancock Regional Hospital, das laut Lown Hospital Index als eines der sichersten des Landes gilt, umfasst unser Netzwerk mehr als 30 weitere Standorte in der Nähe Ihres Zuhauses oder Arbeitsplatzes.

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