Conseils de santé

Rencontrez Kylie Austin, coordonnatrice du défenseur de la santé de Gateway Patient Services

27 janvier 2021

Your doctor orders a CT scan or an MRI or a blood test. Then what do you do? If you’re a patient at Passerelle Hancock Santé, chances are that’s when you’ll meet one of our Patient Services health advocates, the associates who’ll make sure everything about your visit runs smoothly—from checking in all the way through billing. 

Kylie Austin is one of those advocates. She’s deeply committed to giving extraordinary patient service, so she’s well suited to her role.

“Patients want to see that you care, so it’s really simple gestures that make a huge difference,” she says. “Even if it’s as simple as offering a patient something to drink—a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. It can brighten up their whole day.”

She answered a few more questions about her part in meeting Gateway’s commitment to patients.

Question : How do you make sure each patient gets what he or she needs?

UN: We are the first representatives to make contact with them—whether they’re coming in for a CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, labs, or immediate care—and we make sure they have everything they need. We make sure any necessary prior authorizations are completed, and that they’re ready to get in and out as quickly and efficiently as possible. We also make sure patients can leave when they are finished—they don’t even have to check out. 

Question : What’s the best part of your job? 

UN: Really going that extra mile to help a patient feel comfortable and satisfied. It’s really nice to see on patients faces, or maybe hear over the phone, that they completely understand what you are telling them about what they are going to have done and how it works.

Question : How does the staff work together to deliver exceptional patient care? 

UN: I love the openness of the way we work, as well as the teamwork and technology we have here. When we have a patient who is frustrated, we reach out. We talk about it. We try to change it to where it can be a seamless process for our patients, so we’re meeting our goals but we’re keeping them satisfied, too. 

Question : Gateway is such a beautiful place. What are your favorite locations inside the building?

UN: The waiting room you are in as soon as you walk through the front doors. It’s open, with lots of windows, so you can see all of the nature outside. And you can see all of our fantastic technology, too. We have options that allow patients to fill out forms electronically, for example. 

Question : How do make sure to keep the Grouchies out of Gateway? For example, Glump loves bad service—we’ll bet you’re good at keeping him away!

UN: There’s no Glump at Gateway! Most people don’t come to a healthcare facility unless they aren’t feeling well. We know that, so we go the extra mile to make them feel whole again. And the building helps, too—it’s so bright and beautiful. 

Kylie is one member of a committed staff of health advocates, nurses, and doctors, working together to ensure every patient who comes to Gateway receives expert care along with great service. If you’re already headed  to Gateway, don’t forget to save your spot in line by signing in online or, to learn more, visit