
June is Men’s Health Month: 10 Health Tips for Men


June is Men’s Health Month. Men have some common health concerns, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, alcohol abuse, and erectile dysfunction. About 40 percent of men go to the doctor only when they can no longer deny they have a serious issue, yet awareness, prevention, and early detection are key to staying healthy. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to be proactive.

  1. Eat more produce. Nutrition advice changes constantly, but eating fresh produce has always been a good idea. The absence of fruits and vegetables in your diet creates problems. Try これらのヒント to easily get more.
  1. Drink more water. Water can help you tolerate pain, increase energy, improve brain function, help digestion, and give a boost to your muscles. Shoot for half a gallon a day to start. 
  1. Breathe. We can live several weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without oxygen. When life is intense, we breathe shallowly, reducing oxygen and sending stress indicators to the body. Try an easy square breathing exercise morning, night, and when you feel stressed. 
  1. Move. Exercise reduces risk for nearly every disease, including depression. It lowers risk of erectile dysfunction and improves testosterone levels as you get older. Make moving important—and fun.
  1. Sleep. Lack of quality sleep increases risks for obesity, diabetes, and accidents—in addition to making you cranky. Making sleep a priority will boost productivity during waking hours.
  1. Go to the doctor. Regular checkups make a difference. Screenings that are part of annual physicals could save your life—but only if you go.
  1. Speak up. Culturally, many men are reluctant to seek help for problems that carry shame or fear. Depression, digestion, and erectile health have effective treatments outside of drugs and surgeries. Don’t carry the weight of a treatable problem.
  1. Get a specialist. They’ll be faster, skilled in early detection, and more on top of new treatments. Family history and lifestyle will indicate when to seek a cardiologist, urologist, or others.
  1. Have fun. Spend time on people and activities you love. Studies show big health benefits from social connections, and happy people live longer.
  1. Get screened. Cancer screenings are essential for early detection and treatment. Find out when you should begin cancer screenings for: