
Oh, the Things Your Smartwatch Can Do!

June 28, 2022

So, you are the proud owner of a new smartwatch, huh? You may have gotten it to track your sleep, fitness or steps, or maybe you just wanted to ride the trend with your peers. Either way, you should make full use of all your smartwatch’s amazing features. Whether you’re an Apple loyalist or use Android, you’re in for a treat when you realize how much your new tech toy can do!

Android vs Apple

First, let’s get into the meat of the issue: the difference in operating platforms. Apple developed the Apple Watch to be compatible only with iPhones, specifically iPhone 5 and above. It has many fitness capabilities, more so than Android-based smartwatches, which were developed by Google and Motorola. Both are water resistant and have Bluetooth capability. Now let’s get to the fun stuff: features.

Track your progress

Looking to lead a healthier life? Smartwatches, specifically Apple’s platform, have many features to help you along the way. A heart rate monitor allows you to track this element of your workout, which is a great way to tell how much cardio you’re burning through in a session. You can also track your steps or other workout progressions using apps installed directly onto your watch. These apps are on your phone, too, so you can check in on your weekly and monthly progress anytime. Apple offers activity rings, customizable by the user, so that you’re motivated to get a full range of movement every day.

Pay from your wrist

If you have Apple Pay or Google Pay installed on your phone, your watch will be a great asset, too. Both programs are available with simple set-up steps. Next time you’re in the store, opt to use these methods of payment, and you won’t need to worry about getting out your wallet or phone.

Keep an eye on your home

Who knew that you could carry a tiny surveillance system around on your wrist? Many years ago, we would have thought things like this were impossible, and yet here we are! If you have purchased a “smart” set of lights, security camera, locks or even a thermostat, you can control them all with the flick of a wrist. All you need to do is download the manufacturer’s app, and you’re good to go.

Rock out

Are you a music buff? Spotify and iTunes, the largest music platforms, are also available on your smartwatch. Bluetooth technology allows you to connect to a nearby speaker and control music all without even touching your phone or computer. This comes in handy many times, from driving to controlling your children’s bedtime audiobook or music from a room away.

Manage your calls

Did you know your smartwatch can be your best assistant ever? If you step away from your desk or phone, your calls can still be answered through your watch. You can also read texts, dictate messages, and listen to voicemails. Furthermore, if you like using Apple’s “Do Not Disturb” feature for those rare moments of silence, it will translate to your watch, so no unwanted calls come through.

Never take a wrong turn

You may not know this, but your smartwatch is a great tool for a road trip. By syncing itself with your mapping app on your phone, it can signal when it’s time to take a different direction. In fact, Apple developed what is called the “Tapic engine,” which gives different vibrations for different directions, helping you remember when it is time to turn.

Where the hell is my phone?

If you’re constantly running around looking for your phone, singing the infamous Lizzo lyrics from “Where the Hell My Phone?” you are not alone. You’re also not going to need to do that anymore now that you have a handy smartwatch by your side. For an Apple watch, you simply swipe up and press the small phone icon to hear your phone ding from its location. For an Android model, just say, “Find my phone,” and it will ring at full volume. 

Did you know when you purchased it how useful your smartwatch could be? Whether you have an Android or Apple, it’s fun to embrace all that you can accomplish with a simple (but complex) computer on your wrist. Whether using it to enhance your workout or for help managing calls and messages, this latest buzz of the tech world is a great addition to your arsenal.