

2020 年 4 月 15 日

Even if you’re doing your best to stay away from people, some essential errands will have to be part of your life. When you head out into public spaces where maintaining your distance from others is difficult, the recommendation from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is that you wear a mask.

Because around a quarter of people infected with COVID-19 show no symptoms, it’s impossible to know whether you’re truly healthy, and a mask helps keep you from transmitting the virus to those near you. A warning, though: You’re probably not used to wearing a mask, unless you’re in the healthcare industry or super-into playing dress-up. Which means you’re likely to be tempted to move that sucker around while you wear it. Do your best to keep your hands off your face, even to adjust your mask. You can still move the virus with your hands, and the closer it gets to your mouth, nose, or eyes, the more likely it is to make itself at home.

Mask-Making Materials

Chances are great that you have something on hand that can be fashioned into a reasonably effective face mask, even if you aren’t a quilter or crafter. Not all materials are going to be as comfy or allow you to breathe easily, and you can find some doctors’ recommendations for which to choose. In short? Anything is better than nothing, but a breathable, soft fabric is going to work best.

Making Your Own

Hey, you have time on your hands now, anyway, right? If you’re into complicated projects or just want to cover up before you head out, the internet has your answer. A few options, from easiest to craftiest:

Keep Up Your Regular Safety Practices

Remember: The mask is to keep others safe from . Avoid the temptation to develop a false sense of security after you go out looking like a surgeon. You still need to be diligent about keeping your distance from others and washing the heck out of your hands.