

April 22, 2022
Playlists and Podcasts to Amp Up Your Workout

We’re almost there, you guys. It’s April, so we are just beginning to see the sun peeking out a little more from behind its cover of cold and clouds that have graced us all winter long. With the resurgence of new life in the ground comes a new impetus for moving our bodies to shake the winter doldrums away. Whether you enjoy your workout at the gym, or you like to hit the trails for a walk, bike ride or run, one thing is for sure: What you listen to matters!

It can be soothing and beneficial to take your exercise outdoors and hear the birdsong, feel the quiet of nature on a trail run, or get away from the pull of your devices and all the distractions they provide. But sometimes you need some motivation just to put on your walking shoes.  That’s where music or inspirational words in your ear can get you off the couch and into the world as you move, shake, run, and groove.

So, here are some workout podcasts and playlists to get the right groove going.

When you want to take a chill pill

Do you frequent the yoga studio or need to calm your mind and body with a slow walk or stretch after a hard workout or a trying day at the office? For a workout cool down, try out Chill Vibes 2022 on Spotify. It will have you walking to the beat of some fantastic modern music while also enhancing your focus and ability to calm down post-sweat. 
If jazz is your thing, check out Jazz Fruits Music’s 2021 playlist. It provides just the right amount of soft percussion to help your mind slow its roll. For those who love to listen to Kirtan, Bhajan and other traditional Indian styles of music often played in yoga classes, check out artists like Krishna Das, Jai-Jagdeesh, Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band, Edo and Jo, or Deva Premal.

Pump it

When you need a dose of adrenaline, turn to music with faster beats and sing-along–worthy lyrics. The Happy Songs Everyone Knows playlist on Spotify is a fun mix sing along with (silently or out loud, depending on how much attention you want to bring to yourself). Dopamine is perfect (as the name denotes) for running, jogging or getting your workout on. If pounding the pavement to some great beats makes you happy, check out the Running and Cardio Music Playlist 2022 on Spotify. Similar playlists are available on Pandora, iTunes, and other outlets. The great part about being a modern-day sweat seeker is that you can customize everything you listen to so it reflects your mood and what you want to accomplish with your workout!

Be a smarty pants

If music isn’t your thing or you’re looking for something inspirational or thought-provoking, podcasts might be good fit for your workout background sound. With hundreds of thousands of podcasts to choose from, it’s difficult to show a fair sampling of them here. But, we can do the next best thing, which is a short list of our favorites!

If you are starting to feel the pull of the sunshine and buds blooming outside your window, now is a great time to get back into your workout routine. Use music and podcasts as an entertaining way to motivate yourself while you bike, run, jog, dance, lift, or yoga your way to health!